60 Seconds of Hope with Horace McMillon
If we can hope and if we can love, we can change the world, starting with our own. '60 Seconds of Hope' your daily oasis of positivity and inspiration! Join Horace McMillon each day for a minute reflection designed to equip, empower, and inspire you to be your best self and to help all of us make the world a better place. Kickstart each morning with a dose of hope to uplift your spirits and set a positive tone for the day ahead. Tune in and embrace the power of positivity!
60 Seconds of Hope with Horace McMillon
We Are in the Same Boat
“We may have all come on different ships, but we're in the same boat now."- Martin Luther King, Jr.
Many of the stories we read in the Bible are parables and metaphors designed to help us understand the nature of our reality.
One such story is about the Tower of Babel found in Genesis 11. Humans were working together in arrogance to build a tower to reach the heavens. As a result, God scrambled their languages so they no longer understood each other.
The Genesis story tells us that all of our human divisions and alienations from each other are a result of sin. The earliest Christian’s believed baptism into Christ erased those divisions. The divisions of ethnicity, class and gender were no more. They became one in Christ.
Until we understand that we aren’t in separate boats but rather we are in the same boat, we will not solve humanity’s biggest problems. Amen.
Now through Monday, download “366 Days of Love” for free. Follow the links under my profile.
I’m Horace McMillon. This is 60 Seconds of Hope. Peace be with you.
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