60 Seconds of Hope with Horace McMillon

Panting for Deliverance

Horace McMillon Season 10 Episode 22

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"In every human Breast, God has implanted a Principle, which we call Love of Freedom; it is impatient of Oppression, and pants for Deliverance”  - Phillis Wheatley

Too frequently the world around us expects us to act as if everything is ok when it’s not ok… to suffer in silence… to make ourselves comfortable in dysfunction. 

Even when we are not in an immediate position to change, transform, or escape our circumstances, we must never surrender to them. We must never normalize routine indifference, injustice, or inequality. 

Deep within our hearts we know that every human being should be treated with dignity and respect. No one should be neglected, abused or exploited. Everyone should have access to food to eat, a safe place to sleep and an opportunity to develop into the best version of themselves. 

No matter how long anyone has been deprived of these circumstances, they must never stop panting for deliverance, nor must we ever stop panting with them. 

#60secondsofhope #faith #inspiration #motivation #success #freedom #growth #change #justice #dailydevotion #dailyinspiration #dailydevotional #positivity #BlackHistoryMonth #positivemindset #personalgrowth #personaldevelopment #progress


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